Great tool for club growth and member contribution!

We want to hear what your club is doing to bring in new members. Tell us what works, and give credit to those who are making the effort.

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Great tool for club growth and member contribution!

#1 Postby DenisA » Sun May 25, 2014 11:05 pm

G'day All,

Before I mention the successful subject, please bare with the post and read it all because there are a couple of components to it. Many are just simply oppossed to it, but it works and our converted club members prove it!............Facebook.

The 1st part is the main Facebook page which is easily found, viewed, liked and shared with friends by the public. North Arm Rifle Club have been running a public Facebook page since October last year and have had excellent public exposure from it. Its generated lots of Come and Try's and a popular local tourism page has shared our post a couple of times. We've had strong membership growth though I won't with 100% certainty say where its come from, but the vibe at the club is STRONG and were buzzing with newer members and good numbers at practice days and club comps.

The 2nd component is one that we've only been running for a couple of months but has reaped amazing results. I think its the most important regarding club growth and unity.
Its a private group Facebook page which can't be seen or even found through a search by the public. It's invite only and in this case, only North Arm rifle Club members are a part of it. The page is a means of club members discussing issues, working bee's, and anything club related that doesn't belong in the public eye. The reason that it works so well is that it gets members communicating about important issues and makes everyone aware of whats happening within the club and when.
It's very difficult to have members hang around after a shoot and really discuss important topics properly. This private page allows all club members the opportunity to discuss things at their own convenience. It also allows the important subject discussions to turn into club meetings and thats when systems and solutions are created.
Since using the private Facbook page, our member contribution with working bees, Come and Trys, range setup and pack up has been OUTSTANDING.
Not only that, but club members are closer and more involved with each other than I've ever seen.
Since I've been there, like many other clubs, our club has had a big problem where only a few members were overloaded with certain jobs and too many have become frustrated and burnt out. I've come to realise that people are willing to help as long as they're asked and know what is going on in advance. I think people naturally figure that if they're not asked to help the system working well, which is wrong. This private Facebook page works amazingly well as a bulletin board. I can't rave about it's positive effects enough.

We've had plenty of resistance regarding Facebook from the start from a lot of our own club members. A lot of those club members have come around having seen the advantage and actually signed up.

I really believe that both the public and private Facebook pages are essential to any modern club.

There are plenty of shooters and clubs on Facebook, but I still find myself suprised by the amount and the personalities that aren't on it and would benefit from it.

Please discuss it and give it a try within your club. The private Facebook page is actually called a "secret group" by Facebook and is a KEY feature to a successful club.

If you've made it this far, thanks for persisting.

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#2 Postby DannyS » Mon May 26, 2014 8:27 am

Good post Dennis,

Must admit I'm not a Facebook fan but it sounds worth trying, especially the members only page, would be a good addition to our website.


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#3 Postby bobeager » Mon May 26, 2014 12:36 pm

All efforts to grow membership and increase participation should be applauded. Well done.

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#4 Postby DenisA » Mon May 26, 2014 12:55 pm

Since Andrew Mayfield has been President of the QRA I have been noticing lots of Facebook and youtube activity from the QRA raising awareness.

Absolutely unreal!

This sort of thing is fantastic. ... ig-success

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#5 Postby IanP » Tue May 27, 2014 3:04 pm

What a good news story, well done Dennis!
It seems Facebook is addictive to most people with eyes still capable of using mobile phones. Simple ideas that work are always best!

A small ES is good. A small SD is better. A small group is best!

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Re: Great tool for club growth and member contribution!

#6 Postby scott/r » Thu Jan 15, 2015 9:45 am

Nearly 12 months on after Denis started this post, I have to say that the amount of work and time that Denis is putting into our web site and face book pages is out-standing. I don't believe that I'm along in wanting to thank him for his efforts, they make a huge contribution in getting our club out there to be seen. =D>

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Re: Great tool for club growth and member contribution!

#7 Postby DenisA » Thu Jan 15, 2015 12:59 pm

Thank you Scotty, but you give me too much credit. I may be looking after the FB pages and the website but I'm doing no more work than a lot of other members do in other areas, such as yourself.

Thanks though mate, I really appreciate you saying.

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