Free Rifle Club Website and Google map Club Directory

We want to hear what your club is doing to bring in new members. Tell us what works, and give credit to those who are making the effort.

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Free Rifle Club Website and Google map Club Directory

#1 Postby Philski » Tue Feb 16, 2016 7:22 pm

Hi all

im an enthusiastic f class shooter and full bore admirer. And really want to help the sport grow if i can. This country has put out some of the best shots in the entire world. Pavey, Ayling, Potent, Diamond, etc. in multiple disciplines across multiple continents over multiple decades. Against some seriously well funded and trained teams from away. Thats outstanding.

How can i help? well, im glad you asked. I would like to offer every single F class or Full Bore target rifle club anywhere in Australia. A really cool website directory listing for a start.

I am working on a cross compatible multisite version, that is my goal or plan at the moment. a simply listing will create a free website for you. If you want one.

The site is

if anyone needs a free website, like some of the smaller clubs.
a simple listing for say (hypothetical) West Mudgee. Would end up as

This is totally free, no hosting, no domain name fees, no ads ever.

I have just finished every current Rifle club in Tasmania in a day and half the State associations and am happy to list every single rifle club in Australia, by hand, one at a time.

if you would like to see yours on there straight away, just ask.

have a wonderful day
Phillip Kemp

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Re: Free Rifle Club Website and Google map Club Directory

#2 Postby Philski » Thu Feb 18, 2016 12:21 am

just to give a big thank you to a very fine member of the Nowra rifle club in NSW.

They are the first club in the whole country to register on the site. I had a decent day at it again. 26 clubs and associations are now listed on it. Each day more will be added until its complete. I guess as a new shooter myself. I found my own clubs details online and having a mobile friendly online presence in this day and age is paramount.

Again, not every club has a website. If you would like one, or a hand with one, just ask,

its free.

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Re: Free Rifle Club Website and Google map Club Directory

#3 Postby AlanF » Thu Feb 18, 2016 7:16 am


If you need range locations for Google maps, you're welcome to use the information here :

Alan Fraser

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Re: Free Rifle Club Website and Google map Club Directory

#4 Postby Philski » Thu Feb 18, 2016 9:58 am

Hi Alan

That's perfect and very helpful information, Thank you. its helps a lot.

As a new shooter myself, i found my own club Sheffield via the internet last year. I didn't even know we had a rifle range at the time. And, its the oldest sporting club in my district by miles. I rarely use the yellow pages any more or any printed media. So i know if i can help some of these clubs get an online presence. They will stand a far better chance of hopefully attracting new members that stay and being help them to be found easier.

I was looking for any kind of sport at the time. Football, im not much good at and would only get hurt.
Cricket, i enjoy but again, im not much good at either.

What attracted me to the sport of target rifle and ultimately F class.

I dont need to be the strongest or fastest to compete.
The historical side of it is important to me. My grandfather shot in the Queens down here. He never won it of course, but was a good shot in his day. So i had that family connection.

i like precision and reloading is a great way for me to get down to a fraction of a poofteenth.

its competitive in a good way. And it simply covers many of my needs and wants.

And, i guess most importantly i get to meet some remarkable people every weekend. Some of them Like Eric Thompson, Geoffrey Ayling and my own coach John Hope all inspire me greatly. That's very cool when a young bloke can gain so much knowledge from people that have been shooting so well and for so long. They all give a lot to the sport and me, even today.

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Re: Free Rifle Club Website and Google map Club Directory

#5 Postby templar1975 » Tue May 23, 2017 5:53 pm

Is this still a thing ? Sounds like a good idea but when I goto that URL it looks like it's for sale.

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