try again

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bruce moulds
Posts: 2900
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try again

#1 Postby bruce moulds » Wed Jun 11, 2008 8:19 am

squadding & grading at sara queens.
so far i have heard from john and rhonda.
,regards this subject.
i am trying to do the right thing for shooters, but it appears thar they are the only people who care!
the meeting draws nearer, so if you want to be heard, please speak.


#2 Postby Guest » Wed Jun 11, 2008 9:44 am

I have refrained from commenting as I don't know if you speak for the SARA F class committee or not.
All I will say is that your committee have the necessary information re grading as we do it in Vic and Richard indicated some time ago that SA are looking at grading as a means of improving entry numbers at this years SA Queens.
Maybe you should talk to Richard or Rob R M.

Simon C
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#3 Postby Simon C » Wed Jun 11, 2008 11:38 am


I think grading would be a good idea for FS. It will encourage the newer shooters to attend...all too often, u hear people say they are not quite ready for that level of competition as they havent been shooting for long.

The difficulty will lie with the people who dont often shoot OPM's and therefore have little recorded data on their scores. I guess u could request they bring ratified data from their club secretary. That would help to place people in the right grade. One would assume that this would encourage more entries.

I probably wont be able to attend the meeting (unless the baby comes beforehand!) I dont have a good grasp of the Victorian model however I have asked Richard to send me the agenda so I can comment. Maybe we need to have a closer look at the info Barry provided to Richard prior to the meeting???
"Aim small, miss small"


bruce moulds
Posts: 2900
Joined: Sun Jun 19, 2005 4:07 pm

#4 Postby bruce moulds » Wed Jun 11, 2008 8:00 pm

barry & simon,
thanks for the replies.
what you said simon makes a lot of sense.
barry, the safca is a democratic assn, & i am just trying to do my homework as to input to our meeting. the office bearers, rob, richard, & tony, are the servants of our assn, and do what they are instructed by the majority. as such the members have a responsibility to get their facts right. as a member i am trying to do that.
it is my belief that the sara queens is a product (for want of a better word)
and would like to expose it to the greatest potential market. to do this it is wise to ask the questions of potential shooters.
this is why i am surprised at the lack of responses to my questions. (still no response re squadding)
simon, rhonda , like you wondered how to deal with the problem of "bgrade burglers"
a question which entered my head today is of a logistical nature.
is it better to accept shooters as either a or b, possibly having 90% of shooters in one grade, or divide all fstd shooters into halves, the top being a, & the others being b?
my primary concern is that we in s.a., through lack of understanding, do something like the mistake we made with targets a few years back., as things the year before that boded well for the future, and the year after suggested that we have a bit of ground to make up.
any opinions here are mine and not necessarily those of safca.
i am attempting to be open & do what i think is best for the sport.
bruce. :)

bruce moulds
Posts: 2900
Joined: Sun Jun 19, 2005 4:07 pm

#5 Postby bruce moulds » Wed Jun 11, 2008 8:02 pm

sorry, but have you considered having the bub induced?
bruce. :oops:

Simon C
Posts: 422
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Location: Adelaide

#6 Postby Simon C » Wed Jun 11, 2008 9:01 pm

I think if my wife had her way, it would be at least 6 months old by now! I got a feeling it is gonna be here before the meeting so I might be able to attend...
"Aim small, miss small"


bruce moulds
Posts: 2900
Joined: Sun Jun 19, 2005 4:07 pm

#7 Postby bruce moulds » Wed Jun 11, 2008 10:20 pm

hello again,
i see by the number of hits that people are reading this.
i can only assume by the number of responses that noone cares either way, noone is coming, or that there is in incredible ammount of apathy out there.
come on people, have a say. this is about what YOU want.
regards, bruce.

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