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#1 Postby pjifl » Sun May 03, 2020 8:56 am

I have spent some of our Lockdown Time trying to get my Program MultiGroupZ into a package with Exercises and Examples. The package is now online and is simple to download. MultiGroupZ is the result of at least 15 years of work. Much was done while waiting at Hospitals while my sister was on Dialysis.

It is doubly attractive if you are running a small bank of Hexta eTargets and wish to do much testing and experimenting. Even more attractive if you wish to operate offline for most of your shooting results. It is also ideal, by using Screen Grabs, for illustrating any documents you wish to produce on Shooting.

Previously, it was available only to a small group of friends. This was partly due to the fact that there were no detailed directions for its use.

There may be some problems with the package. If so, I would like to know so I can fix them. There are some bugs in the actual program which will never be fixed - but it is still very usable.

You really need a fairly good computer to get the most out of MultiGroupZ. A large second screen is ideal but it will run on a small Laptop. Do not confuse it with the toy capabilities of some of the Apps now available.

I consider it almost part of the Hexta System for recording, displaying, and analyzing Shooter's Groups.

Downloadable at ... ultigroupz

where more instructions are given.

Peter Smith.

Posts: 553
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Location: Chinchilla

Re: MultiGroupZ

#2 Postby Rich4 » Sun May 03, 2020 7:13 pm

=D> Once again you’ve shown an amazing selfless generosity, I truly hope to meet you in person on a range one of these days, all the best Rich

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