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New starter

#1 Postby Fish » Thu Aug 02, 2007 9:10 pm

I have been browsing through the forumsfor a while and have found it quite interesting. I have not taken up the sport as yet, but am in the process an "Old Omark" in good condition in 308
In one of the forums I read about letting shooters who may be interested in coming to a club shoot to have a shot and see if they might bget the bug
I agree with this idea 100% I have had my old Omark for about four years and thinking about joining your sport, but I wasn't game to take the next step because of initial cost and what if I dont like the sport and be stuck with an expensive outfit [another addition to my gun cabinet]
I have started out with the Omark $500 then I got it rebedded $100 a weaver rail and fitted close to $200 scope and mounts $1500 Sierra match projectiles $275 cases $120 and $100 to join a club I am over $2700 and I havn't fired a shot yet, and I dont even know if I will enjoy the sport. I have been to a couple of shoots as a spectator and it got me all keen, all of the shooters enjoyed their sport and were eager to give advise to get me on the right track
I have been a shooter and hunter for 50 years and as said in the forum it is getting harder to get places to shoot on, this is why I am giving F Class a go it looks interesting
I have a lot to learn so be prepared for me picking your brains for infomation

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#2 Postby RAVEN » Thu Aug 02, 2007 10:34 pm

Welcome FISH
I am sure you will have a ball
Best not to count up the costs like that if you enjoy what you are doing the cost is somewhat irrelevant.
Just remember when we leave this earth U can’t take it with U $$$
:D :D :D

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#3 Postby AlanF » Thu Aug 02, 2007 10:46 pm


Welcome to the Forums. From what you're saying, I don't doubt you're going to enjoy F-Class. I would get started as soon as possible, and once you get a taste for it, next Saturday just won't come soon enough \:D/. There is good advice to be had from the more experienced people on this forum. Just ask the questions, and I'm sure you'll get the answers you need. Can I ask what scope you have, including reticle type? At that price I'm guessing its a Leupold or NF?


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#4 Postby rainbow » Thu Aug 02, 2007 11:09 pm

welcome fish,
you sound much like i was in september 05. Curious, but unsure of how i would be treated by seasoned shooters at the range. Well take it from me, you will be blown away by the friendly/accepting group of people that you are about to meet. Mainly because we all share a common interest. But i think also, every club is on the lookout for numbers. Be aware that there will be a hardcore of fullbore shooters who will have a friendly dig at you for your preference for f-class, but once you start posting reasonable scores that can count towards their team pennant score. Youll become there new best friend.
So dont stress about it, just get along to your nearest club and let it rip! Oh by the way. what area are you in (someone may be able to recommend a range near you/wish to tempt you their way)

stuart s.

peter t
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New Starter

#5 Postby peter t » Tue Aug 07, 2007 8:34 pm

Hi Fish
You could not have picked a better code of shooting. I too was like you a bush shooter for some 40 odd years and loved it, but as we know properties get sold or broken into smaller holdings and family ties all leed to reduced hunting trips and the increased costs in getting away.
I started target shooting early 2000 with an old 308 omark and enjoyed the mateship the challange of long range shooting, and to compete in opm's as a part of a team soon had me hooked. I up dated my shooting gear as I could afford too. Took up f/standard when it started and never looked back, have only one regrett this f/standard should have started 20 years ago !!! So give it ago you won't regrett making the change target shooting, one other thing bring a couple of you're mates along too.
peter t

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