another discipline

We want to hear what your club is doing to bring in new members. Tell us what works, and give credit to those who are making the effort.

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another discipline

#1 Postby budget » Fri Nov 15, 2019 3:50 pm

hi there,
i would like to ask a question and it is one that i don't understand why it has never been put forward.
with our struggling numbers, especially the drop off in f class shooters that don't seem to be attending big shoots in the numbers that they once did is it time for another discipline?
i can't understand why you haven't got a class that you use and shoot with exactly like you would in the army as a sniper. a rifle that weights around 6 kilo, a couple of calibres that will see you compete out to 1,000yds,a flip down harris by-pod with no mat and no rear bag.
would this not be something that would excite new members and be that challenging discipline that could bring new shooters in.
i think it would quickly become the premier class within your ranks,i imagine the skill you would need to be at the top would be something you would have to work very hard at.
just a thought,maybe,just maybe some people that have walked away from our sport need a little bit more of a challenge?
one thing is for sure target rifle (my discipline)is not going to save our sport we have to think what can we do to excite new members to f class.
regards paul

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Re: another discipline

#2 Postby DannyS » Fri Nov 15, 2019 6:11 pm

Paul, isn’t that basically what FTR is supposed to be
You might as well be yourself, everyone else is already taken.

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Re: another discipline

#3 Postby budget » Fri Nov 15, 2019 6:46 pm

hi danny,
iam not really sure i don't know mush about f class, i just figure it would be really challenging and may just drag some people in if they want something thats obviously much harder.

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Re: another discipline

#4 Postby bsouthernau » Sat Nov 16, 2019 6:58 am

DannyS wrote:Paul, isn’t that basically what FTR is supposed to be

Not really Danny. 8.25kg, very fancy bipods, rear bag, groundsheet.


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Re: another discipline

#5 Postby johno » Sat Nov 16, 2019 7:13 am

what is hunter class supposed to do ? I thought it was supposed to fill a gap.
How many clubs actively promote this new class, or do they just keep banging their heads about TR and wait for everyone to leave the sport

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Re: another discipline

#6 Postby DannyS » Sat Nov 16, 2019 7:55 am

Hi Barry, yes, I know FTR has evolved and now uses very sophisticated gear but I don’t think it was always intended to be that way, the same as F Standard has changed over the years.

Actually, all the classes have changed including TR, gone are the old days of using basic equipment. It’s the era we live in, people are now spending as much if not more on a fox rifle than we would spend on a good F class or Tr rig.

If Hunter class ever takes off, it to will change as shooters push the rules to the limit.

You might as well be yourself, everyone else is already taken.

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Re: another discipline

#7 Postby jasmay » Sat Nov 16, 2019 10:20 am

Personally I think rimfire FTR is a class we should explore..

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Re: another discipline

#8 Postby budget » Sat Nov 16, 2019 11:36 am

So FTR is still where you put a mat down to support the fancy rest and you still have a rear bag,would it not excite new members to actually be part of the rifle and then draw on experience and skill to get great scores.
so many things have been suggested to increase our numbers maybe just maybe people would like a challenge in return for their out lay.

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Re: another discipline

#9 Postby jasmay » Sat Nov 16, 2019 1:59 pm

budget wrote:So FTR is still where you put a mat down to support the fancy rest and you still have a rear bag,would it not excite new members to actually be part of the rifle and then draw on experience and skill to get great scores.
so many things have been suggested to increase our numbers maybe just maybe people would like a challenge in return for their out lay.

Hey Budget, I don’t know what you shoot, but if you don’t think you need to draw on great skill and be 1 with the gun in FTR (or any F-Class for that matter) you’ve probably never shot it.

Actually, I’d go as far as asking who exactly you are, what’s your name, and do you even shoot F-Class?

“Maybe people would like a challenge for their outlay” a comment like this could only come from a person who has either never or barely shot Fclass.

And what do you class as “fancy” ever looked at the cost of some of the tactical gear? Much of it rivals or exceeds some of ours.

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Re: another discipline

#10 Postby budget » Sat Nov 16, 2019 2:40 pm

first of all keep your pants on i didn't at any stage suggest that it didn't take skill to shoot that discipline.
also yes i do not shoot f class,all i am suggesting is this may or my not be something that could help with exciting people and bring them to our sport.
i never intended to upset anybody just merely an idea.
now again if you read my post it states to shoot something like a sniper would use , a rifle of maybe two calibres,a front rest something like a harris by- pod and that is it! at no stage did i mention anything about tactical gear and the cost,I'm sure that this kind of set up would be cheapest form of shooting we could undertake!
i also stated that i think it would take a lot of skill to shoot a 308 lets say at 1000yds and be proficient at it with just the front flip down rest and I'm sure i it would be but again I'm not comparing just putting forward an idea.
so tell me, I'm intrigued what would be harder to master a rifle sitting in a rest front and rear or one that is on a by-pod in the grass?

"Actually, I’d go as far as asking who exactly you are, what’s your name, and do you even shoot F-Class? "
what has the above got to do with posting on this forum?
i thought that it was open to everybody to post their thoughts and ideas but yet again we are divided.

paul savage
target rifle.
port pirie
sth australia.

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Re: another discipline

#11 Postby jasmay » Sat Nov 16, 2019 4:55 pm

Jason Mayers (Hence JasMay)

I asked who you are to get an idea of what experience you hve within the community as some of the comments you made come across fairly denigrating to F-class. Some of which I doubt you would have made if you were an F-Class shooter, so my assumptions were correct, you don’t shoot F-Class as you stated.

What you are describing as a discipline has pretty much already been filled by PRS which has indeed boomed in popularity.

What we need is something complimentary to in an entry level way, F-Class & TR.

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Re: another discipline

#12 Postby budget » Sat Nov 16, 2019 9:26 pm

ok so i stated that you need to read my posts,clearly thats difficult,i stated that i am a target rifle shooter clearly in my first post!
secondly the only mistake i made that seems to have gotten you so upset was saying you use a fancy rest,i retract fancy and will call it just a rest. i was merely trying to explain between what i suggested and what you perceived as what i was saying.
surely a class where you could kit up for around 5 k and would be a huge challenge would be something that would be high on our list to help promote our sport,after all isn't that what every body always complaining about?
also posts like "how about rimfire f class" thats surely going to help the movement.
end of rant.

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Re: another discipline

#13 Postby Quick » Sun Nov 17, 2019 10:57 am

Challenge aye......I thought F/TR was enough. Maybe what you have said just sounds soo typical of some TR shooters who have NEVER shot F-Class at all. We get abit pissed when get told what we do has no challenge. Especially by people who come across as no idea.

Hunter/Sporter already caters for what you are suggesting.
Shaun aka 'Quick'
Yanchep, Western Australia

308 Win F/TR & F-S
7mm F-Open Shooter.

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Re: another discipline

#14 Postby sungazer » Sun Nov 17, 2019 12:25 pm

There are so many disciplines in the SSRs that are unused these days that could be resurrected to cater for some more shooters. The sniper class is part 16.2.3 under the Service Rifle Shooting rules. A lot of what is asked for is already there clubs just need to be a bit flexible to cater and to encourage new shooters no matter what they want to shoot rather than the often touted phrase of "We don't do that here"

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Re: another discipline

#15 Postby ShaneG » Sun Nov 17, 2019 9:55 pm

budget wrote:ok so i stated that you need to read my posts,clearly thats difficult,i stated that i am a target rifle shooter clearly in my first post!
secondly the only mistake i made that seems to have gotten you so upset was saying you use a fancy rest,i retract fancy and will call it just a rest. i was merely trying to explain between what i suggested and what you perceived as what i was saying.
surely a class where you could kit up for around 5 k and would be a huge challenge would be something that would be high on our list to help promote our sport,after all isn't that what every body always complaining about?
also posts like "how about rimfire f class" thats surely going to help the movement.
end of rant.

I have competed at “rimfire F Class “ in the US and always thought it would be a fantastic addition here and my reasons below
1. Very challenging at 50 and 100 yards due to .22lr wind deflection on tiny targets
2. No RELOADING! My biggest time poor requirement!
3. Only need a rimfire 100 yard range to compete

Open your mind to possibilities and get behind a scope one day

I also wish to make 2 further important points for me

1. We NEVER in this day and age want to be associated with the term “ Sniper “ It will be used to shut us down in the near future
Minor point but current “ snipers” use rear bags - small , light but functional

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