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John E
Posts: 1015
Joined: Thu Jun 30, 2005 2:14 pm
Location: Melbourne


#1 Postby John E » Tue Sep 14, 2010 9:29 am

We farewelled Billy yesterday, after a celebration of his life. The F Class trophy named after Billy, "The NRAA F Class Std Victorian Long Range Aggregate", was shot for at the National F Class Teams matches, held earlier this year at Bendigo.
Bill was 101 years of age last Australia Day, 26th of January 2010. He fired his last shot at the Grantville range on the 28th of August 2010 and passed away last Sunday morning 12th of September 2010. He was a regular shooter at Grantville, where he would fire 50 rounds per visit, right up to the time of his death, and was a regular member of the Grantville Pennant team, winning the Individual Pennant handicap trophy for 2009/2010, the second year in a row.
He would sit at his portable bench all day and took great interest in watching other people shoot, particularly the youngsters.
Photos of Billy at his 100th Birthday can be seen in the photo gallery of the VRA website, and the Grantville RC website has a photo of him in it's photo gallery, and his weekly scores can be viewed in the " F Class Results" and "Pennant Results", at
F Class shooting kept him going and a visit to the range was the highlight of his week, and was no doubt a subject of conversation at the nursing home at which he resided, where his Pennant trophy was kept on display.
He was an inspiration to all of us at Grantville, and the memory of him brings a smile to my face. You might say he died with his boots on.


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