Welcome or not

We want to hear what your club is doing to bring in new members. Tell us what works, and give credit to those who are making the effort.

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Re: Welcome or not

#16 Postby .248WIN » Thu Jul 16, 2015 11:39 pm

Alan up to now I only shot 150 shots with it, and all were at 100 yard ,and all were holes in the target. So It looks like they hold together just hope, they hold together at the longer distances.

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Re: Welcome or not

#17 Postby AlanF » Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:59 am

I've never actually seen a bullet blow up, but I assume the process begins as soon as it leaves the muzzle, so even at 100 I'd expect signs that something was happening. If you ever get an unexplained miss in the middle of a shoot, then you probably should consider the possibility. The way to confirm would be to increase the powder charge a little and have someone watch. They say a bullet blow-up appears as a puff of brown smoke :D .

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Re: Welcome or not

#18 Postby MCLE » Fri Jul 17, 2015 5:54 am

Hi Gerhardt you have read the threads on the DTA and a couple of others. Speaking from my experience as l posted comments on some of those threads at the time and was where you are now and I can say it's not a big deal.
If the rifle that you are talking about is the one in the pic ( Good looking Rifle that it is ) it's nowhere as different looking as a DTA and I was using one for a long time. It's not as militery looking as a Accuricy International whitch the Australian Army are using ATM and I used a couple of those for a long time at club level and comps. And the guys that had a opinion on the forums still treated me fine. They might not of liked what l was using but it wasent a personnel attack on me. They are some of my best shooting friends now. A opinion is neather right nor wrong it's just a opinion.
I was at a comp only a few weeks ago In Victoria and we had five guys turn up to look at what we were doing. It was in a country town they stood behind us for a while looking. We started talking to them and it turned out that they were thinking of comming to the club and having a shot as they had not long per chased the farm down the road. So we explained what was going on and what the rules were. They were treated with respect and taken to meet the club president sounds good as it should be.
Now the fact that all of them were middle eastern in appearance with bushy beards shaved heads and to top it off to a man were wearing Army camouflage gear may not gone down well with some. But they were treated very well. This actually happened so give it a chance and like these guys a positive attertude goes a long way.
Thanks Michael H
Last edited by MCLE on Fri Jul 17, 2015 4:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

shooter mcreid
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Re: Welcome or not

#19 Postby shooter mcreid » Fri Jul 17, 2015 7:11 am

Gerhardt, if you don't mind me asking what range in Queensland are you thinking about attending?

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Re: Welcome or not

#20 Postby DannyS » Fri Jul 17, 2015 8:10 am

Hi Michael, well said.

Gerry, grab your rifle and go to the range. Our sport is like many other things in life, you get out of it what you put in. If you have a positive attitude you will make friends and be accepted.

Haha, we even accepted Michael :lol:

Looking forward to Warracknabeal this weekend.

You might as well be yourself, everyone else is already taken.

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Re: Welcome or not

#21 Postby .248WIN » Fri Jul 17, 2015 10:22 am

Hi guys I will definitely go.I must say I was really treated well,At the range I went to even after I explained to the guys I've got a TAC gun. They asked a couple questions about my rifle and also said that my rifle seems to fall within rules and regulations. And if it doesnt ,Im still welcome to shoot there, and participate in club competitions .

They even pulled out a club gun ,and I bought some ammunition of them.And I did quite well with their help getting me on target.
I even finished in the top 10 ,we were only five though, and there was no wind.Otherwise I would have been in the top twenty.

I have shoot with 5 guys out on a property ,they were shooting 600m and I was only doing load development at 100.They warned me and said I will be wasting my time. When I came back and told them how I was treated .They were actually amazed .And one said. If you Join I will follow you in three months time. So If it works out good, that club might have. four new members.My family and a friend.

I'm sorry I went of but I was on quite a high, after my club visit and then stumbling onto this forum. Just to find out I'M actually not really welcome.

Im also not totally stupid,and I did realise that there is only one hard liner in all the posters on that topic.But the question were asked ,and I did answer what I think could be changed .

I was actually wondering ,the hard liners ,that want to keep everything as it was. At some stage their forefathers ,forefathers. One of them came home with a black powder gun . The rest of the family must have hated him. They still throwing spears from the 10m mark and he shooting from a 100 m with his gun

In 20 years time they might want to shoot electromagnetic rail guns, then we will be like thees old .303 bloke of today and don't want to change

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Re: Welcome or not

#22 Postby bobeager » Fri Jul 17, 2015 2:46 pm

I have observed "bullet blow up" on three occasions. One was super hot overbore 6.5mm called a Banshee. What was observed was a blue/grey streak for about 50 to 100 feet from the muzzel terminating in a "poof" of grey "smoke". Saw same with a very hot .223 and a fast twist barrel. Really "neat" to watch.

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Re: Welcome or not

#23 Postby MCLE » Fri Jul 17, 2015 3:58 pm

Gerhardt you said that you have a Daughter that might give it a try. I have a 14 yo son that shoots as well. He has allways been made welcome at comps and gets plenty of help and advice to help him along. It's a good sport for the family.

And Danny I have been accepted????... Bugger I thought when I was accepted my scores would go up
Thanks Michael H

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Re: Welcome or not

#24 Postby Norm » Fri Jul 17, 2015 4:43 pm

Gerhardt welcome to the forum.
People here are quite friendly if you give them a chance.
I'm sure you will have a lot of enjoyment shooting F-Class.
While there are some that do not like the looks of particular rifles, I think they are in the minority.
You need to get involved if you want to make a difference. Respect other peoples opinions even though they may be different to your own. Then just get on with it.

That rifle does not look black to me. It does not even look tactical.

Funny thing is that on Aussie forums frequented by people who actually shoot these sort of bolt action rifles, they hardly ever refer to them as tactical rifles. They mostly just call them "Precision rifles" or "long range rifles". I think the term "tactical rifle" is old hat and mostly refers to AR style semi auto rifles that we just don't own here in Australia.

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Re: Welcome or not

#25 Postby MCLE » Fri Jul 17, 2015 5:04 pm

Spot on Norm some good advice there .

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Re: Welcome or not

#26 Postby ShaneG » Fri Jul 17, 2015 5:19 pm

Load some ammo
Determine your zero and come ups
Go to your local club and shoot
Forego the Internet politics - I am over it!
Black rifles per se are really AR 15 - AR10 variants not legal here for almost 20'years
Even if you lived in the US there are people with attitude against these rifles - some even in the firearms community
The guys in denial are the people who try to make a Rem 7600 pump into an AR 15?

I would say the perception we do not want for our sport is the "sniper" bs!!
That would not help any of us. We shoot targets at long range not people!
Nor do we practise to shoot "people"!
I think that is the "tactical" connection none of us need.
Don't give a flying f what your rifle looks like!
Just when people say I shoot tactical and the press asks what does that mean? What is the answer?
We don't need that - not any of the firearms disciplines in this PC age.
With 90% of Austalians living in cities most are educated by the press as to firearms now.
Call it long range hunting if that is what you mean?
But that opens another can of worms?
Is it ethical to fire upon a game animal at extreme range with a high degree of wound possible?
I personally do this - but on rabbits! I either miss completely or hit for a humane kill.

Unfortunately we are a dying sport overall - yet F Class is growing!
Most of the kids today get all their all their thrills from their computer or phone!
Because a lot of guys my age are very interested in precision is the reason F Class worldwide is growing.
Your rifle can be capable of precision.
Go out and burn powder!

I hope this is a genuine post and not a furphy because a lot of people have given their honest input.
Rant over but it has the capacity to be a wind up and if so it has hooked me big time!
PS and Gerhardt I have several ex RSA and Zim mates who can vouch for me in Africaans!

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Re: Welcome or not

#27 Postby .248WIN » Fri Jul 17, 2015 6:29 pm

Thanks Guys
Hi Norm I don't know If you know who I am. as I have another name on Australian Long Range. But thanks.
To all the others that I have upset :twisted: Thanks for the replys.And Shane yep this is a genuine post. My heart is set on joining F class. If I knew about F class 10 or 20 years back ,I'm sure I would have joined then.

My Wife is also keen to try it. I still don't know if we must use the same gun ,two setups adjusting for length and scope height every time or use one of her hunting rifles. Just put on another stock maybee. As there aint going to be money for another gun. As she just started Uni.And no we're not teenage yuppies. been married 30 years.

My daughter that is interested ,is in the army and she is involved in Surf Live Saving, and Racing for them in the IRB teem. They have there State race on this weekend,at Mooloolaba.so I wont make it to the range this weekend,as we will be supporting her in two events. One as a driver and one as a patient. Next weekend my wife will be shooting in a friendly comp between SSAA and the ADA just something we do every year at Ripply shooting range on the last weekend of July . So the next two weekends is out for me to get to F class

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Re: Welcome or not

#28 Postby ShaneG » Sat Jul 18, 2015 7:49 am

OK Gerhardt
The older we get te busier it seems!
Belmont has a world class range with many clubs based there FWIW.
Our F Class Nation Teams is being held Mon 10/08 and Tues 11/08
There will be a club shoot on the Sat and Sun prior where I would guess many will at least shoot the longs on Sunday.
Following that is the QRA Lead up - The Duncan and then the QRA Queens.
Be worth it if you had time to check it out one day? The Teams is the largest gathering of F Classers in the country from all across Australia.
I believe there are 22 or 23 Teams competing!
A lot of "game faces" will be on and may not be much chat time?

BTW I used to shoot 3 gun IPSC at a National level until 1996 effectively killed that sport here.
I really should have moved to the US then!
So I do understand where you are coming from.
As someone has already mentioned , a more PC description is precision long range shooting?
If you do manage to make it to Belmont during that period in August, please introduce yourself.
PS most of the regulars here know each other but in case you are at Belmont and want to say hi, send me a PM and I will let you know what days and times we will be there?

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Re: Welcome or not

#29 Postby shooter mcreid » Sat Jul 18, 2015 10:45 am

Sounds like Ripley is your local club? I started shooting there with an accuracy international with out any dramas from any club members. There is currently a few tactical rifles shooting there.

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Re: Welcome or not

#30 Postby .248WIN » Sun Jul 26, 2015 3:30 pm

Due to work my wife couldn't,went to the Ripley. ADA versus SSAA shoot this morning. The first mis in six years that we have been shooting the comp.at Ripley.

That gave me and two of the daughters a chance to go to The F class range.I have shot there once before with their club gun.This is the first time my gun will be shot further than 100m

I looked on the club calendar last night and saw they are shooting 900y today.I haven't done that in thirty years and none of the girls has ever done further than 300y
When we got there I saw they were busy on the 300y The girls were very happy about the shorter distance,I was glad as well,the gun is zeroed at 100y and haven't been pasted that range before.Short was our happiness when they told us ,they are just zeroing a rifle. I had a quick shot as well,I worked out a ballistic chart ,wich worked fine.and I was good on 300y.

At the 900y I didnt thought about my 3 IPHY that I have dialed up from 100y to 300y, so I dialed up the 20.3 IPHY that the ballistic chart is giving me.I kept shooting over the target .One of the old hands came and helped me,and got me on to the target.That is when I realised my error of the 3 IPHY that is now added to the 20.3 I dialed for the 900y so I have dialed 23.3 instead of 20.0 IPHY.

The rest was fun
My score 6 5 x x 6 5 6 6 5 5 =56/60
Oldest daughter 4 3 4 5 5 5 6 5 5 6 =48/60
Youngest x x 2 2 3 5 5 4 5 5 =43/60 I didn't noticed the wind turned from left to right :oops:

They made a bit of a balls up and didn't reliced we haven't shot our second round, and started to pack up, so we only shot the first round. Or do you think they were afraid we might win :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

All in all we enjoyed it and will be back next weekend

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