Potential for new f class competition

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Brad Y
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Potential for new f class competition

#1 Postby Brad Y » Mon Jun 26, 2017 9:15 pm

I have been talking to quite a few f class shooters recently and I'm hearing the same message from them when I talk about new f class competition.

The idea behind it is pretty simple, it's the same we used to do in fishing competitions. 4 qualifying shoots, a shooter of the year prize for the best 3 results you get, and a grand final which could be invite only based on your final placing (and maybe a couple of wild cards thrown in)

The more I think about it, the format would be great for a couple of clubs within a DRA to use, and the individual clubs could even use it for club champion deciders etc. it could improve relationships between clubs as well.

I'm fully aware of the history of shooting and that there are queens events with champion of champions events but to me that seems more a TR based thing that has just rolled on. I'm not saying swap a queens or champ of champs for this but the idea is something else that just promotes f class and gets people shooting. The more it happens the better people are going to get and it's another way to help raise the bar that little bit more.

There's aspects of f class shooting that can be factored in- squadding, brisley style shooting and 20 shot strings. I would like short ranges included as that is what draws a lot of people are comfortable with so it would be good as an attraction to get numbers up but at the same time some reasonable amounts of long range shooting to give people more exposure and experience at it to increase their skills.

The other thing I often think about for it would be the inclusion of an unmodified factory rifle on a bipod class from 300-600m to get more into the scene as well. It's these people that are often ones who go home and decide they want to get serious about target shooting,

Something like this could be a real draw card to f class shooting and getting new members into the nraa in each state and provide a good stepping stone into developing shooters for state representation competition.

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Re: Potential for new f class competition

#2 Postby RDavies » Mon Jun 26, 2017 9:43 pm

Having a series and picking your best 4 (or only 3 or whatever) shoots sounds like what they do in U.K with their league shoots which I would love to see here. One thing I would change though is to allow TR. I spoke to some TR shooters who have nominated for the Palma team and a lot of them have the same issues as we have, not enough long range shoots, longer shot strings or Bisley style as they will get when they go overseas. It was an A grade TR shooter who explained how it works to me and said he would like to see something like this on a national level. One point he mentioned that I agree with is to make the "league shoots" longer ranges only and leave the Queens shoot to do the shorter ranges as they already do here in Australia and in U.K, because it is "tradition" and to make it more suitable for Band C graders, while the league shoots are more geared towards the A grade shooters, club champions etc.
We aren't going to change things much in the Queens, so anything different or more international style would have to be done in a new series run in parallel.

Brad Y
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Re: Potential for new f class competition

#3 Postby Brad Y » Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:11 pm

I'm all for allowing more people and other disciplines for sure. While I'm happy to shoot long ranges, the big thing at a club level competition is that some get put off by no shorter ranges where they are comfortable. I think in higher level competitions that the shorter ranges should be done away with to bring us more in line with international competition. Getting people shooting in competition at grass roots level and giving them a taste of it will hopefully make them naturally strive for more and take the next step up- possibly the same sort of thing run at a state level across a few different ranges with more emphasis on longer range shooting.

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Re: Potential for new f class competition

#4 Postby bolster55 » Fri Jul 07, 2017 3:57 pm

"The other thing I often think about for it would be the inclusion of an unmodified factory rifle on a bipod class from 300-600m to get more into the scene as well. It's these people that are often ones who go home and decide they want to get serious about target shooting,"

Excellent, the above should definitely be pursued.

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Re: Potential for new f class competition

#5 Postby Bigtravoz » Tue Feb 20, 2018 5:01 pm

bolster55 wrote:Quote,
"The other thing I often think about for it would be the inclusion of an unmodified factory rifle on a bipod class from 300-600m to get more into the scene as well. It's these people that are often ones who go home and decide they want to get serious about target shooting,"

Excellent, the above should definitely be pursued.

Agreed. It would be a good thing and would be a bit of fun for everyone to bring the deer rifle instead of the top end rifles occasionally to really test their skills!

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Re: Potential for new f class competition

#6 Postby RAVEN » Tue Nov 12, 2019 7:54 pm

Hi Brad
this is how they run the PRS series exactly like tournament fishing
of which I have had several years of involvement.
It’s time for S&T & NRAA to look to the horizon and see what’s heading our way embrace it or it will run us over.
In the USA they run a PRS series (Precision Rifle Series) and NRL (National Rifle League)
Any light bulb moments here :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea:
there are some things that we can offer that the current series don't AT THE MOMENT!!!


Paul Janzso
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Re: Potential for new f class competition

#7 Postby Paul Janzso » Tue Nov 24, 2020 9:00 pm

You have SH class Raven
I shoot it at Mt Barker.
It is barrel length restricted, weight restricted, shot off a by pod and rear sand bag, any scope and safe trigger, muzzle break slowed at the RO discretion.
It’s shot on the TR scoring target, out of 50 with v bulls as count out.
That will get new shooters interested.
Time's a wasted wot's not spent shooti'n BARNARD 300WSM's

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Re: Potential for new f class competition

#8 Postby RAVEN » Tue Nov 24, 2020 10:41 pm

Hi PJ I allready shoot this at club but my Rifle would qualify as it a custom
Will see you at Monarto some time soon to ring some steel

Paul Janzso
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Re: Potential for new f class competition

#9 Postby Paul Janzso » Wed Nov 25, 2020 10:58 am

Looking forward to ringing steel with you at Monarto.
My rifle is a rebarreled Remington in a KRG Whiskey chassis.
Mt Barker can see that I shoot off a By Pod and crusty old sand bag so they can see it isn’t a full F Class rifle so they have put me in SH class.
I think if people come along with their custom sporting or PRS rifles they should be classified as SH Class as long as they shoot off a by pod.
That, I believe, would certainly increase club attendances and maybe member numbers as well.
I know of a few guys that would like to shoot their PRS rifles out past the 500 meters that we are restricted to at Monarto.
Time's a wasted wot's not spent shooti'n BARNARD 300WSM's

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Re: Potential for new f class competition

#10 Postby RAVEN » Wed Nov 25, 2020 2:15 pm

I shoot under SH Open
6 dasher in KRG W3 bipod and squeeze rear bag it great to shoot and the wind is a challenge at long distance only shot at 900m once sofar

Paul Janzso
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Re: Potential for new f class competition

#11 Postby Paul Janzso » Thu Nov 26, 2020 6:52 am

What is your score value ?
Time's a wasted wot's not spent shooti'n BARNARD 300WSM's

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Re: Potential for new f class competition

#12 Postby RAVEN » Thu Nov 26, 2020 8:13 am

5 V

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Re: Potential for new f class competition

#13 Postby DannyS » Thu Nov 26, 2020 5:22 pm

30 years ago, I was shooting a 6mm Remington on a mauser action, Harris bipod, squeeze rear bag, budget 6-24 scope, scoring same as TR ie 5, V.

But that was before F Class which the Canadians apparently invented.
You might as well be yourself, everyone else is already taken.

Paul Janzso
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Re: Potential for new f class competition

#14 Postby Paul Janzso » Thu Nov 26, 2020 7:31 pm

Well there you go Raven.
SH Class will bring in new shooters and possibly new members.
5V is the SH Class scoring system.
That would have upset the TR scene DannyS shooting a 6mm Rem.
Time's a wasted wot's not spent shooti'n BARNARD 300WSM's

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Re: Potential for new f class competition

#15 Postby RAVEN » Thu Nov 26, 2020 8:37 pm

All ICFRA F-Class is score 5-V


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