Protest shot

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Protest shot

#1 Postby scott/r » Fri Apr 19, 2019 9:01 am

Hey everyone, I was watching a live feed from the Vic Queens the other day, with young Mitch Bailey shooting the final 1000. Unfortunately it all went to shit for him with a miss on his 5th or 6th shot. No targets were pulled around him, so it's unlikely he shot on the wrong target. The target was asked to be checked and when it came back up with a miss, he continued on to finish his target. Then he claimed a protest shot and fired an 11th shot. Again unfortunately, it doesn't look his protest was upheld as the scorecards on nraa still shows a 0.
Now, my question is, how does the protest shot come into play and who decides how the protest plays out? The ro?

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Protest shot

#2 Postby Triplejim » Fri Apr 19, 2019 10:01 am

Actually, he didnt "continue on" per se. He told me that he challenged the value, it came up a clean sheet, then challenged for a hit, again no shot. Both times the CBO flag was shown.

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Re: Protest shot

#3 Postby scott/r » Fri Apr 19, 2019 5:15 pm

Cool, that make more sense than what I was thinking. Is it only after this process that you are able to call for a protest shot?
The part that I can't get my boofhead around is how and when are you able call for said protest. I haven't come accross this before.

Peter Hulett
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Re: Protest shot

#4 Postby Peter Hulett » Fri Apr 19, 2019 9:48 pm

Hello Scott,
Mitch had a shot that was marked as a miss, he then "challenged the target for a hit" and the target was checked by the Butts officer and was again signalled a miss. At this stage if he was to fire his next shot that would mean that he accepted the miss. By "firing under protest" he is saying I do not accept the miss and will continue the shoot and fire an extra shot at the end so that I can argue my case and if I win I will have a total score equal to the normal score.
After his shoot he was entitled to submit a written protest to the match committee who would then receive reports from everybody involved and then make a considered decision away from the range.
In this case Mitch decided not to proceed with his protest and so the miss was included in his score

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Re: Protest shot

#5 Postby BillB » Sun Apr 21, 2019 7:21 am

Was he on target A5 if so i was on A6 marking and we had a shot hit between the 2 targets

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Re: Protest shot

#6 Postby scott/r » Sun Apr 21, 2019 9:52 pm

No idea Bill.
I would like to point out that I was in no means questioning Mitch's shooting in any way or form. Nor was I questioning his or anyone else involved in said protest. I was just questioning on how the rule works and it's process.

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