Can we shoot ssaa disciplines on an nraa range

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Brad Y
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Can we shoot ssaa disciplines on an nraa range

#1 Postby Brad Y » Tue Apr 17, 2018 10:36 pm

Is it possible to adopt a non nraa discipline and shoot it on an nraa range? I’m talking about 500m fly. Paper targets, fixed firing points, single loading. Nothing different to what we do now for the approved 600yd benchrest, just a different target that is shot at, and at the metric 500m range off portable benches.

Matt P
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Re: Can we shoot ssaa disciplines on an nraa range

#2 Postby Matt P » Tue Apr 17, 2018 11:17 pm

Not sure about WA, but our range may shoot NRAA disciplines but the range license is in the name of the cub/dra etc. So I can’t see why you can’t shoot what ever whatever fits into your standing orders.
Matt P

Brad Y
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Re: Can we shoot ssaa disciplines on an nraa range

#3 Postby Brad Y » Tue Apr 17, 2018 11:26 pm

Thanks Matt, passing it onto the local gurus to see. I enjoyed fly shooting a lot. But it’s a 3.5hr drive there plus another set of club fees etc. it would be great for each ssaa and nraa to be able to adopt each other’s disciplines. Gives the long range f class guys a chance to shoot steel and short range bench and the bench and silhouette guys a chance to stretch further out. Trigger time is trigger time.

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Re: Can we shoot ssaa disciplines on an nraa range

#4 Postby DenisA » Wed Apr 18, 2018 8:29 am

I was told recently at our club that in the event of an accident, shooting anything outside of a NRAA discipline would void insurance.

I wont go into it any further but to say that I am sceptical. I'm not in a position to know the facts though.

Brad Y
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Re: Can we shoot ssaa disciplines on an nraa range

#5 Postby Brad Y » Wed Apr 18, 2018 10:47 am

That was my thoughts too mate. But realistically what is the difference from 600yd benchrest bar the target used...

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Re: Can we shoot ssaa disciplines on an nraa range

#6 Postby BillB » Wed Apr 18, 2018 4:14 pm

We do the opposite shoot nraa on ssaa range cant see any problems if you are within your range template there are no rules about whats on the target face

Brad Y
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Re: Can we shoot ssaa disciplines on an nraa range

#7 Postby Brad Y » Wed Apr 18, 2018 4:56 pm

Only problem there is in any sort of benchrest competition, we can’t claim records or be recognised. I’ve read the fly shooting rules and it’s pretty clear they only want it to be a SSAA event. And like Denis said, it seems quite clear the NRAA don’t want a bar of SSAA.

The only thing I could think of is re write the rules to suit NRAA requirements and get it included in the SSR’s. Thenyou still have the issue of trying to get multiple clubs intermixing and promoting competition and developing the sport further.

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Re: Can we shoot ssaa disciplines on an nraa range

#8 Postby RDavies » Wed Apr 18, 2018 6:08 pm

There is no reason you cant shoot 600yd BR at your range, it is in the NRAA SSRs.

One obstacle with Flyshoots on some ranges might be using steel sighter plates as used in Fly shoots.

Brad Y
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Re: Can we shoot ssaa disciplines on an nraa range

#9 Postby Brad Y » Wed Apr 18, 2018 6:41 pm

We can’t as our range is metric so no firing point at 600y. It would take a lot of material to build a 600y mound. Much easier to bring portable benches to 500m and shoot fly targets. And just use paper spotter targets instead of steel.

Old Trev-39
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Re: Can we shoot ssaa disciplines on an nraa range

#10 Postby Old Trev-39 » Wed Apr 18, 2018 7:53 pm

Hi Brad,
We shoot the 600 B/R. at Townsville range which is metric. We measured out the 600yd. and chipped a line in the grass and put our portable benches on this line. You do not need a mound, only the distance. We also painted 2/ 50mm. thick masonry capping tiles white and put 600 on them in black and set them flush in the ground so as not to interfere with mowing.

Brad Y
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Re: Can we shoot ssaa disciplines on an nraa range

#11 Postby Brad Y » Wed Apr 18, 2018 8:24 pm

Gday Trev

Our range the mounds are really high so we need dirt to build up at 549m to be able to see the targets.

I just think it’s a real shame that there isn’t any way to pay one affiliation fee and be able to shoot anything and everything.

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Re: Can we shoot ssaa disciplines on an nraa range

#12 Postby bobeager » Thu Apr 19, 2018 9:39 am

As I understand it, the NRAA has nothing to do with "your" Range.

Shooting on the Range will be governed by:-

1. Conditions stipulated by the Owner/lessee of the Land,
2. Conditions stipulate by the DA (council approval) re Land use, Times, Noise etc,
3. Conditions stipulated in the Approval granted by the respective State Firearms Registry,
4. Range Standing Orders,
5. Conditions stipulated by the INSURANCE POLICY(s) in place.

The issue of "NRAA Approval" would only come into play if the policy states that only disciplines covered in the SSR's may be shot.

The text of the Insurance Policy provided on the NRAA web site makes no mention of the SSR's, but it could be in the "fine print".
see ... 250558.pdf

As a matter of interest I asked the SSAA Insurance people if SSAA members were to come and shoot with us occasionaly, would they be covered for liability.

here is the response


Thanks for your email to SSAA Media, they have forwarded it on to me to respond to.

The SSAA Members Liability covers the member for all lawful recreational shooting activities Australia wide. There is a condition on the cover as follows –


1. Policy extended to include LAWFUL RECREATIONAL SHOOTING, including bow hunting or target archery (except where cover is provided under membership of a shooting association)

So, in response to your question the member’s liability would be covered whilst shooting as a guest at a fullbore rifle club UNLESS the fullbore rifle club provided liability insurance for their guest etc.

Either way, a SSAA Member would have liability cover.

I hope this helps.

Kind Regards,

Trevor Jenkin – NIBA QPIB, Dip Fin Serv (Ins Brok)

Mb: 0408 030 360

National Manager

AR 346137 | CAR 315403 | ABN 86 077 822 970

SGiB E-Signature v2

Brad Y
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Re: Can we shoot ssaa disciplines on an nraa range

#13 Postby Brad Y » Thu Apr 19, 2018 7:57 pm

Hi Bob

Our range is a commonwealth dept of defence range and I believe our lease with them lets us carry out any discipline within the NRAA SSR’s. I’m awaiting clarification for this.

We also have SSAA members come and shoot, however it’s been a bit of a sticky point as while that person is covered, without them being a financial NRAA member, apparently we aren’t covered having them there.

Quite frankly it’s all a total pile of shite to me. Both groups have the same coloured blood, our guns go bang. We are responsible with them and everything is done safely.

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