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Tim L
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Re: Queens

#16 Postby Tim L » Mon Mar 16, 2020 4:41 pm

williada wrote:Al a higher power in the form of Daniel Andrews has just declared a state of emergency in Victoria. Its certainly going to add to the hysteria. In the Moe club a few members work in essential services or have spouses that do and if they are forced to self isolate, then there are problems for others. A couple of examples, were brought to my attention. One member works in the control room of a power station. Not too many around to replace him. His absence and that of others there could effect the national grid. Also the missus runs a pathology lab in Gippsland and her absence would create a few problems for others as would another member whose spouse is a casualty nurse. The issue imposed on us has broader implications than you think.

Dave, those are just examples of bad managment. Either person has a holiday entitlement, could go down with the flu or hit by a bus. The truth is that from a work perspective anyone could be replaced inside a day.
Not so true from a family perspective but I still work from the addage that life is to be lived.

As for Barrys zero risk, the reality is it's just not possible. I'd hazad a guess that more people will die in their own house from other negligable risks than to COVID. Those AT risk can manage this how they see fit.
Life is a fatal condition, do with it what you will.

Pommy Chris
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Re: Queens

#17 Postby Pommy Chris » Wed Mar 18, 2020 8:40 am

Tim L wrote:
williada wrote:Al a higher power in the form of Daniel Andrews has just declared a state of emergency in Victoria. Its certainly going to add to the hysteria. In the Moe club a few members work in essential services or have spouses that do and if they are forced to self isolate, then there are problems for others. A couple of examples, were brought to my attention. One member works in the control room of a power station. Not too many around to replace him. His absence and that of others there could effect the national grid. Also the missus runs a pathology lab in Gippsland and her absence would create a few problems for others as would another member whose spouse is a casualty nurse. The issue imposed on us has broader implications than you think.

Dave, those are just examples of bad managment. Either person has a holiday entitlement, could go down with the flu or hit by a bus. The truth is that from a work perspective anyone could be replaced inside a day.
Not so true from a family perspective but I still work from the addage that life is to be lived.

As for Barrys zero risk, the reality is it's just not possible. I'd hazad a guess that more people will die in their own house from other negligable risks than to COVID. Those AT risk can manage this how they see fit.
Life is a fatal condition, do with it what you will.

In Italy 25,000 yesterday were infected with 7% death rate which seems to fluctuate between that and 10%. Flu has a fatality rate of 0.1% this is up to 100 times higher. In Australia spread has been much slower than in other countries as measures have been put into place cancelling sporting events etc. If a person is over 60 change of fatality is 15%, over 70 risk of death from infection is very high indeed. In UK over 70's have been instructed to stay at home for 4 months!!
How old are most who attend Queens? Answer over 70. If infection arrived in a Queens it would be a nightmare.
From Monday for example many QFES will be working from home, Auxiliary firefighters weekly training has been cancelled and all courses too.
COVID is not a cold, there seem to be two types or strains if you like, the worst is deadly. this virus is 10x more infectious than the flu and up to 100x more deadly. Problem is with flu you are only infectious when you are showing symptoms, with Conavirus you are infections BEFORE you are symptomatic. This is reason these events need to be cancelled or postponed if we dont want a disaster like Italy.

Pommy Chris
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Re: Queens

#18 Postby Pommy Chris » Wed Mar 18, 2020 8:48 am

Just checked today's numbers for Italy for infections, yesterday was 25,000, today is 31,500, with another 360 people dead since yesterday."..
We dont want this in Australia and there is only one way to prevent it..

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Re: Queens

#19 Postby RAVEN » Wed Mar 18, 2020 9:29 am

SARA has cancelled the 2020 Queens and all SARA events
until further notice we have left it up to clubs to determine
what course of action they take.
We are in extraordinary times which requires extraordinary action


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Re: Queens

#20 Postby GSells » Wed Mar 18, 2020 9:25 pm

City v Country was cancelled today by Qra . As they couldn’t guarantee 4m2 per person as per Government Directive. Possibly this is where all of our events will go for now .
Even our Church on Sundays has been canned !! Very extraordinary times indeed!

Josh Cox
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Re: Queens

#21 Postby Josh Cox » Sat Mar 21, 2020 12:51 pm

This is bad for old people, another type of flu that can kill them pretty quickly.

COVID has killed 270 people in the USA so far this year (nearly three months of 2020).

The seasonal flu has killed 16,000 Americans over approximately the same period this year.

Cancelling all sporting events is a mistake, each shooter and club should make their own decision based on the risk COVID presents to them, old, hypertensive, diabetes etc.

There are far more dangerous and contagious diseases floating around our community every day, Whooping Cough, seasonal flu, Measles, Marty Lobert and Chicken Pox, these kill a lot of old and sick people and we just accept the risk or live in a hermetically sealed bunker drinking our own filtered wizz, it's all about choice.


Barry Davies
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Re: Queens

#22 Postby Barry Davies » Sat Mar 21, 2020 1:44 pm

All of those are knowns and can be treated ( including Marty )--no treatment for this one.

Pommy Chris
Posts: 441
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Re: Queens

#23 Postby Pommy Chris » Sat Mar 21, 2020 5:09 pm

Josh Cox wrote:This is bad for old people, another type of flu that can kill them pretty quickly.

COVID has killed 270 people in the USA so far this year (nearly three months of 2020).

The seasonal flu has killed 16,000 Americans over approximately the same period this year.

Cancelling all sporting events is a mistake, each shooter and club should make their own decision based on the risk COVID presents to them, old, hypertensive, diabetes etc.

There are far more dangerous and contagious diseases floating around our community every day, Whooping Cough, seasonal flu, Measles, Marty Lobert and Chicken Pox, these kill a lot of old and sick people and we just accept the risk or live in a hermetically sealed bunker drinking our own filtered wizz, it's all about choice.


I think you are massively underestimating how dangerous Coronavirus can be, 670 people dies just yesterday in Italy that is deaths in just one day and tomorrow it will be the same or more and again the next day. Here in Aus we are not suffering these tragic death tolls due to the measures that have been put in place early like cancelling sporting events. Italy did not take the threat seriously at the start and they are paying a terrible price.
See the link for Italy https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/03/ ... 19279.html
This virus WILL start killing people here, but if we can delay its spread as long as possible we can hope that we can delay its spread close to when there is a vaccine. Flu kills 0.1% and we have vaccines for it too, this is killing in Italy 8% and estimates worldwide is looking to be 2%- 6% as truth is they just dont know. Truth is too that most of the shooting community is 65 plus in age many 70 plus so a very high risk group. Look too at death and ages of the dead in Italy many are young people. We need to take this very seriously. A Queens is just a Queens, there will be many more, but if we loose just one person due to this virus because we held the Queens is is too many.
I thought there was no cure for Marty? :mrgreen:

Josh Cox
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Re: Queens

#24 Postby Josh Cox » Sat Mar 21, 2020 5:33 pm

In one respect Chris you are correct, it is killing a lot of people and will do so here, no question, so do all the other virus, disease and cancers etc.

But on the other hand you're missing the point Chris, people at risk should exercise their personal responsibility, make their own decision, not go, stay home etc. We can not live a full and fruitful life when we spent so much energy and time jumping at every shadow.

The damage that the hysteria will cause to our way of life will be far reaching, have you tried to buy toilet paper in the last few days ? The damage to our economy and way of life from the mindless hysterical lemmings will be far worse than the consequences of the actual deaths and injuries caused by the actual virus.

I'm not suggesting do nothing, just don't do everything. Work out what matters, where and when, then do that.

What's next, close doughnut shops so we stop making fat people ?

Barry, if there are effective known treatments, that are other than a placebo of sorts, why do people in first world countries die from these diseases still today ? (sorry if I just removed your comfort blanket)
Last edited by Josh Cox on Sat Mar 21, 2020 6:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Barry Davies
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Re: Queens

#25 Postby Barry Davies » Sat Mar 21, 2020 5:51 pm

You have not removed my " comfort blanket " Josh---I still have it--staying home isolated from those who would otherwise recklessly take their chances, and in doing so risk passing the virus on to others.

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Re: Queens

#26 Postby Mozzie » Sat Mar 21, 2020 5:56 pm

I'm with you on this Josh.
Mosquito born disease's kill roughly the most amount of people annually in the world.
But that doesn't mean every person bitten by a mozzie will die.
My truck doesn’t run on love, it runs on diesel.
However, I love my rifle and it runs on lead. #-o

Josh Cox
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Re: Queens

#27 Postby Josh Cox » Sat Mar 21, 2020 6:04 pm

Another interesting statistic Barry, in the same period mentioned above, over 9,000 people have died on American roads (this year), assuming the rates are similar per capita for Australia, are you going to sell your car ?, you know, because driving ones car is clearly recklessly taking ones chances.......... or eating fish, or picking ones nose or anything really..........................

I'm glad you are a responsible person and making your own decision.

We are all going to get it Barry, there is no avoiding COVID, R0 is greater than 1 and "active measures" have not stopped the spread.

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Re: Queens

#28 Postby PeteFox » Sat Mar 21, 2020 6:20 pm

I quite happy those who wish to kill themselves to get on with it, but I’m not happy for you to play kamikaze pilots with the rest of us.
The plural of opinion is not data.

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Re: Queens

#29 Postby Mozzie » Sat Mar 21, 2020 6:32 pm

I think Tassie has locked the doors anyway, so you've done the best you can do anyway
My truck doesn’t run on love, it runs on diesel.
However, I love my rifle and it runs on lead. #-o

Pommy Chris
Posts: 441
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Re: Queens

#30 Postby Pommy Chris » Sat Mar 21, 2020 8:05 pm

Josh Cox wrote:In one respect Chris you are correct, it is killing a lot of people and will do so here, no question, so do all the other virus, disease and cancers etc.

But on the other hand you're missing the point Chris, people at risk should exercise their personal responsibility, make their own decision, not go, stay home etc. We can not live a full and fruitful life when we spent so much energy and time jumping at every shadow.

The damage that the hysteria will cause to our way of life will be far reaching, have you tried to buy toilet paper in the last few days ? The damage to our economy and way of life from the mindless hysterical lemmings will be far worse than the consequences of the actual deaths and injuries caused by the actual virus.

I'm not suggesting do nothing, just don't do everything. Work out what matters, where and when, then do that.

What's next, close doughnut shops so we stop making fat people ?

Barry, if there are effective known treatments, that are other than a placebo of sorts, why do people in first world countries die from these diseases still today ? (sorry if I just removed your comfort blanket)

You really need to read about Italy and Europe. The daily death toll is scary.
This is not a flu, it is something way more. There is a reason leaders of trillion dollar companies are closing the doors and the same reason aircraft all over the world are on the ground. These are measures never seen before. Why? Why are governments which many advisers of people in the field are closing their borders? Because this is serious. Imagine an airborne HIV. Well this is almost as bad. Look at the increase in infection rates, they are doubling every 2 to 3 days. Problem is nobody has any immunity and this is not a flu it will not stop, we will all get it without a vaccine. There is a very good reason for the steps that we and other nations are taking. Betta worked in this field on HIV in the UK a pandemic must be taken seriously.

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