Australian National F-Class Records Register - Revision?

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Australian National F-Class Records Register - Revision?

#1 Postby IanP » Sun Nov 30, 2014 10:21 am

This is an open thread to all seeking your input on the success and direction of the Australian National FC Records Register.

Some history on how it came to be:

I started some years ago the SAFCA website (
A short time later I also commenced the SA F-Class Records Register which proved to be popular and provided some statistics for scores being shot at clubs and competitions around the state.

I have always considered it a sign of any sport's maturity and professionalism to gather stats on record scores. It also adds an element of fun along with the competitiveness when you are lucky, (skillful) enough to shoot a record breaking score.

In discussion with many others from around the various states I ended up proposing and establishing the Australian National FC Records register. At my own expense I have registered a domain name and website for this register. The website for those that dont know is here:

This website was established at around the same time we were in the process of forming the Australian FC teams to compete over at Raton for the World Championships. I guess it was a time of expansive thought for the future of FC in Australia.

Present and future direction.

At the same time the new national register was being put into service I also contacted the NRAA ( and exchanged emails with Catherine Berry looking to gain official approval for the register. Last I heard it was going before the committee but that was over 12 months ago!

1. I would like to see the Australian National FC Records Register moved to the NRAA website!
2. I would like to see the position of the National FC Records Officer being an elected/volunteer position.
3. I would like to see the current Record Claim Form maintained.

I personally think the National Records Register should be bigger than a one man show, because if anything were to happen to me the whole thing would disappear. If we had a National F-Class Association website then that would also be a great place to have the Register. That's a matter for another time, but we do have a need such a website now!

We could put the register on Alan's ozfclass website, but that's another one man show with the same fragility should anything happen to Alan.

The NRAA website I think is probably the appropriate place to have the register as it is funded and managed by a committee that we all have input into! We need an enthusiastic and diplomatic, F-Class representative to enter into discussion with the NRAA to bring this about. Any volunteers?

We also need to review the records register in a constructive way, to ensure it meets our needs for now and the future!

I look forward to reading your thoughts/advice on how the Records Register is going and what we should be doing with it.


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Re: Australian National F-Class Records Register - Revision?

#2 Postby IanP » Wed Dec 17, 2014 7:08 pm

Here's what happens in the USA and how the NRA goes about gathering statistics for records.

Have a look at how their stats are gathered after every approved tournament, (OPM) and sent onto the NRA. Officials at these competitions are responsible for processing records and the NRA records them as they are gathered.

We as competition f-class shooters, and clubs arranging OPM's, are a long way off being this organised just yet. It really shows the level of professionalism in the USA, over our more hobby like, but just as fiercely competitive attitude in Australia.

I emailed Catherine, (NRAA Exec Officer) again about this thread and if the Australian National Records Register was ever bought up at a NRAA committee meeting and am still waiting on her reply. I really think the National Register should have a page available on the NRAA website.

It would seem to me from the lack of response to this thread that there is little interest in the national record register. It was a good idea, but it appears to be a failed experiment as very few have claimed records.

If you have an opinion on the Aus National F-Class Records Register I would very much like to hear it!


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Re: Australian National F-Class Records Register - Revision?

#3 Postby AlanF » Thu Dec 18, 2014 7:30 am


I am not against this idea. It is another interesting F-Class performance measure to look at, like the results, rankings etc. The main problem I see is that people are not currently motivated enough to submit their records. Can I suggest that if you can find some helpers to fully populate the records from currently available published results, that will make the website more appealing. You won't need any permission from the shooters to do this if the information is already in the public domain. The best sources will be the NRAA and ozfclass results pages. When that is completed you might find that those few who have achieved better scores than what you publish are more likely to volunteer their own information, and any new records are more likely to be submitted as they occur. Also can I suggest that you have links on the site to other related web pages e.g. US and UK records, our NRAA results page, the ozfclass results and rankings pages, the ICFRA FCWC results page etc. This will give people a one stop shop to look at multiple resources relating to F-Class performance.

That's my thoughts, but I could be wrong (as I was with the online Calcutta :oops: ).


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Re: Australian National F-Class Records Register - Revision?

#4 Postby GrahamW » Mon Dec 22, 2014 12:50 am

AlanF wrote:Ian,
Also can I suggest that you have links on the site to other related web pages e.g. US and UK records, our NRAA results page, the ozfclass results and rankings pages, the ICFRA FCWC results page etc. This will give people a one stop shop to look at multiple resources relating to F-Class performance.

I agree with Alan and add that linking to these sites will also increase Search Engine Ranking which will see more hit's to the site and hopefully more shooters submitting claims for records.

I'm hoping to claim one soon.... (just need to shoot it first 8-/)

That's my thoughts, but I could be wrong (as I was with the online Calcutta :oops: ).


Alan, I think the Calcutta idea was great. The biggest difference between an Online Calcutta and On The Range Calcutta is that on the range there's generally an experienced Auctioneer that knows how to "milk another dollar". It's bloody hard to convert that to an Online version.
I think it could work with time, a lot of patience and maybe starting a little lower with the "cut off" amount, although I doubt this makes it a viable proposition.

Ian, if you think that, as Alan suggested,
you can find some helpers to fully populate the records from currently available published results
would make a difference, I'd be happy to put my hand up and talk with you to see if I can assist.


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Re: Australian National F-Class Records Register - Revision?

#5 Postby IanP » Wed Jan 21, 2015 8:25 am

I seem to remember SARA having received software from the NRAA that was designed to be used to record and submit scores back to the NRAA from OPM's held in the state. It is also my understanding that this trial software was to be used for grading shooters and would be used in all states and territories. I'm pretty sure this software was circulated last year to all states.

This being the case maybe I have jumped the gun, (pun intended) as this software will be a far better way to collect record scores. The NRAA would have to be made aware that record scores could be gathered from this data and that F-Class would like it to be performed. I'm also guessing TR would also want records recorded but this is a F-Class website so I will keep to that subject.

My contribution to the recording of National F-Class Records has clearly lacked majority participation as it requires the individual to make a claim. This being the case, the national records that stand at the moment do not accurately reflect what is being shot in competitions around Australia. I consider my experiment to start a national records register a failure, simply through lack of shooter participation. This being the case I am not renewing the National Records website's registration and will let the page disappear from the internet.

If anyone wants to copy and paste the existing record scores to another website and patiently wait for the NRAA software to be adopted and used throughout Australia then I think that would be a good idea. For this Australian National F-Class Record Register to become a reality it will require liaising with the NRAA and getting them on-board and ideally having a page made available on their, (our) website. I have not had any success with communicating to the NRAA Executive, (Catherine Berry) and am still awaiting a reply from her.

Anyone want to copy and paste the record register to another website or has a better idea, now is the time to come forward!


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Re: Australian National F-Class Records Register - Revision?

#6 Postby bsouthernau » Wed Jan 21, 2015 9:11 am

While it's still officially in developmental mode (I think) the OPM Program seems to be working now. You don't need any software as it's a web-based interface to the NRAA system. I think I've still got very basic instructions - can send them if you're interested. The major fly in the ointment is ranges where there is no internet access.


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Re: Australian National F-Class Records Register - Revision?

#7 Postby IanP » Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:30 am

RIP :(

I have a copy of all existing record scores and if at some future time, (perhaps when NRAA software is running Oz wide) someone wants to try to get it up and running again I can forward the info on.


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Re: Australian National F-Class Records Register - Revision?

#8 Postby bshrestha01 » Tue Feb 03, 2015 10:33 am

IanP wrote:I seem to remember SARA having received software from the NRAA that was designed to be used to record and submit scores back to the NRAA from OPM's held in the state. It is also my understanding that this trial software was to be used for grading shooters and would be used in all states and territories. I'm pretty sure this software was circulated last year to all states.

This being the case maybe I have jumped the gun, (pun intended) as this software will be a far better way to collect record scores. The NRAA would have to be made aware that record scores could be gathered from this data and that F-Class would like it to be performed. I'm also guessing TR would also want records recorded but this is a F-Class website so I will keep to that subject.

My contribution to the recording of National F-Class Records has clearly lacked majority participation as it requires the individual to make a claim. This being the case, the national records that stand at the moment do not accurately reflect what is being shot in competitions around Australia. I consider my experiment to start a national records register a failure, simply through lack of shooter participation. This being the case I am not renewing the National Records website's registration and will let the page disappear from the internet.

If anyone wants to copy and paste the existing record scores to another website and patiently wait for the NRAA software to be adopted and used throughout Australia then I think that would be a good idea. For this Australian National F-Class Record Register to become a reality it will require liaising with the NRAA and getting them on-board and ideally having a page made available on their, (our) website. I have not had any success with communicating to the NRAA Executive, (Catherine Berry) and am still awaiting a reply from her.

Anyone want to copy and paste the record register to another website or has a better idea, now is the time to come forward!


I may be a bit late for this but here goes.

I have the resources (web hosting) and the skills (web development) to set this up.

I had a chat with John Slack of nswfclass to come up with an easier system to manage the scores but we have been out of touch for months now and since the NRAA has taken up the scoring for ALL shoots, John Slack has now stopped updating the nswfclass website as well.

I have been thinking of setting up a system to do a "semi-live" scoring and grading system but like nswfclass, it gets complicated when you have multiple sources of score gathering, not to mention the hassle in actually getting them in.

I have dreamed up a system for data entry for every OPM to generate live results and printing support. This data can be uploaded to a server when there is internet connection. Due to the issue of having to store data locally, it will be a desktop application.

Mind you, it is still a very basic idea and I have not given much time to it. So if you think it can be useful, I am all in for the volunteering.
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Re: Australian National F-Class Records Register - Revision?

#9 Postby John S » Fri May 01, 2015 6:54 pm

NSW F Class website is still maintaining NSW and ACT F Class grading. This will be maintained until the NRAA national grading system is fully functional and all NSW clubs running an OPM are submitting their results to NRAA using the system they have developed.

John S

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