Folded jackets on 180’s ??

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Folded jackets on 180’s ??

#1 Postby GSells » Wed Jan 10, 2018 10:46 pm

Hi All , I was reading a thread in Accurate shooter and stumbled upon this ?

“So, you cant close the meplats the same and shoot them with the unfolded jacketed bullets and expect the best. I have an advanced technique to find this on every meplat I close, but you can find the same thing by a pre-point inspection. Simply place the tip of a safety pin or a small punch pin in the meplat. If it goes in nicely, you are good to go with your pointing process. If it jams up, you have a folded jacket and need to sort them separately from the record rounds. I have had this tested by world class shooters and thousands of Hybrids from 105 to 230 grains. All of these groups have folded jackets within that group. A 1000 yard BR World Record holder has found this sorting very significant.”

Just wandering what people’s thoughts are ? Is it necessary to use a pin and sort via gauging loose, partially loose and no go?
Regards Graham. 8)

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Re: Folded jackets on 180’s ??

#2 Postby johnk » Wed Jan 10, 2018 10:56 pm

Hamlet had his head around this one - for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so

bruce moulds
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Re: Folded jackets on 180’s ??

#3 Postby bruce moulds » Thu Jan 11, 2018 9:06 am

sounds like another wanker on that site.
his description suggests some form of pointing, although it is not clear what he is really doing.
what we look for is a consistent b.c. to minimize vert.
along with meplat length, meplat diameter affects b.c., and this is what you try to address when uniforming, particularly the diameter.
wankers try to close the meplats enough to improve b.c., but we are really looking for uniformity.
meplat diameter is defined by OUTSIDE diameter, so putting a pin in the hole is the same as having your hand on it.
then you test for diameter uniformity by visually comparing all meplat diameters against one bullet under a strong magnifying glass.
this can reval the need to batch so called uniformed bullets.
keep safe,
"SUCH IS LIFE" Edward Kelly 11 nov 1880

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Re: Folded jackets on 180’s ??

#4 Postby GSells » Thu Jan 11, 2018 11:16 am

Thanks for the replies, both very funny and apt !
That is what I thought !

bruce moulds
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Re: Folded jackets on 180’s ??

#5 Postby bruce moulds » Thu Jan 11, 2018 12:18 pm

further thoughts on this subject.
compare a whole packet of bullet points from the box against 1 bullet under a magnifying glass.
this can be set up relatively easily with the glass supported on something and you just roll the bullets under one at a time with the control bullet there all the time.
go point to point, and look at meplat outer diameters only.
crooked meplats do not matter, just the diameter at right angles to the axis.
then do the same with a box of pointed bullets.
the consistency difference will not be what we all imagined.
barry davies posted about case capacity measuring not offering the advantages that we would hope for in his excellent post.
so what are the REAL issues affecting vert at long range?
cross and quartering winds, velocity s.d., shooter's eyesight,hold and bag technique, bending light making the target appear at different places than it really is, inherent accuracy of load and rifle, other?
so often some guy shoots 1 string unpointed and 1 string pointed, and confidently reports in glowing terms how he has solved the vert problem.
a bit like the guy who has just got a string with an s.d. of 4 or 5.
then later on the whole thing turns to shit repeatedly, and the guy is in a state of denial, blaming himself or his barrel.
you just need to get statistical and study repeated results over a period of time, the more the better.
and have a gun and load that can shoot - chicken and the egg.
as barry said, to identify the real need and how to act on it is the secret.
until then, the marketing machine just rolls along, getting bigger and bigger like a snowball.
keep safe,
"SUCH IS LIFE" Edward Kelly 11 nov 1880

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