Alpha munitions brass

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Alpha munitions brass

#1 Postby BATattack » Wed Mar 28, 2018 12:22 pm

Has anyone played with Alpha Munitions brass?

Looking at some of the photos and info out there and it looks like it could be an option possibly better than lapua so I put and order in for some to try.

I think they are only making 308, 6mm Creedmoor and 6.5 Creedmoor at this stage with both small and large rifle primer options which is interesting. It's supposed to be tough so it would be interesting if they move into 284 brass in the future.

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Re: Alpha munitions brass

#2 Postby johno » Wed Apr 11, 2018 9:21 pm

can you get it in australia

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Re: Alpha munitions brass

#3 Postby BATattack » Thu Apr 12, 2018 10:01 pm

Fist shipment is due to land in a few weeks and is already pre sold from what I understand. Apparently bigger shipments will come through in the following months.

The Australian distributer is

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Re: Alpha munitions brass

#4 Postby sungazer » Fri Apr 13, 2018 9:02 am

However even the Small Primer cases have a 2mm flash hole even larger than the standard Large Primer cases would have so it may not be suitable for target rifle work.

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Re: Alpha munitions brass

#5 Postby BATattack » Fri Apr 13, 2018 10:50 am

sungazer wrote:However even the Small Primer cases have a 2mm flash hole even larger than the standard Large Primer cases would have so it may not be suitable for target rifle work.

They have been doing testing on the optimum primer and flash hole size for each cartridge and power range as they seem to understand the importance of uniform ignition on ES. Guess we will find out!

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Re: Alpha munitions brass

#6 Postby lonerider43 » Fri Apr 13, 2018 6:51 pm

interesting ...
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Re: Alpha munitions brass

#7 Postby sungazer » Fri Apr 13, 2018 7:09 pm

It will be interesting. It will stir up the Lapua camp with the small 1.5 mm hole on the SR cases and all their data.
I had some SR Lapua cases that the Flash hole got a bit ragged and i had to have another go on the decapping pin. In the end I drilled those holes out to 1.59mm so not much larger than the 1.5mm but smaller than than the LR 1.8. I found that with the everything else the same I got 20 fps faster for 12 shot data the SD dropped from 10.0 to 7.2.

There were doing their testing in much colder temperatures than we would normally shoot in here in Australia.

bruce moulds
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Re: Alpha munitions brass

#8 Postby bruce moulds » Fri Apr 13, 2018 8:13 pm

their low s.d, for 6 shots is bordering on a case of flase advertising.
this no of shots is irrelevent to good s.d. practice.
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"SUCH IS LIFE" Edward Kelly 11 nov 1880

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Re: Alpha munitions brass

#9 Postby BATattack » Sat Apr 14, 2018 9:50 am

I don't THINK they will ever ruffle lapua based on current volume but who knows what happens in the future. With berger and lap and vhit (I think?) combining they may be putting their premium into loaded ammo for contract orders.

Agreed Bruce 6 shots does not make a test but I have seen other good reports as well so I'll give them a crack! Haha Trying these things is half the fun :-)

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Re: Alpha munitions brass

#10 Postby bruce moulds » Sat Apr 14, 2018 11:51 am

if you can, try winchester as a control.
how many times do you read about some wanker on 6mmbr that won't get a chambering unless it can use lapua brass?
now they will have to get this stuff!
i want brass that can read the wind and counters bending light.
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"SUCH IS LIFE" Edward Kelly 11 nov 1880

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Re: Alpha munitions brass

#11 Postby sungazer » Sat Apr 14, 2018 12:28 pm

I didn't really mean take on Lapua as in market place. But in the technical argument space. Lapua went to great lengths using their wiz kid Brian as the front man to say the small primer and flash hole was the ducks nuts giving lower ES, SD ect developed for the US F-Class team. Its the flash hole size debate that I am interested in to see play out. 2mm is a decent size for a SP no more having to turn down decapping pins :)

bruce moulds
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Re: Alpha munitions brass

#12 Postby bruce moulds » Sat Apr 14, 2018 12:50 pm

there was a time when it was derigeur to use large rifle magnum in bpcr loads, AND drill out the flash holes bigger as well.
you had to do it to have a chance.
well now large rifle pistol is doing a better job, and some people are even using special tools to close up flash holes.
most are just trying different primers to establish best, and then getting s.d. of 2 to 4, which is amply good enough.
as for whizkid brian, if it is the brian i think it is, he has failed to demonstrate an understanding of transonic flight and drag characteristics, just like all the other experts, including one on this forum, by changing the subject and pretending that is the answer.
listen to marketing, but let yourself establish the facts.
in the end, reality will rule.
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Re: Alpha munitions brass

#13 Postby pjifl » Sat Apr 14, 2018 1:07 pm

I have been revisiting the old 6.5x55. It would be perhaps 18 years ago that I started shooting a slightly modified 6.5x55 Swedish as an FO cartridge and it won quite a few shoots back then. Just why I am experimenting again with it is a long story but a few things I have observed may be of interest.

Way back, I did get some new Lapua cases with shoulder 'splits'.

Anyway, I am loading for a new shooter and myself and have seen 200 new Lapua 6.5x55 cases used. None of them had any visible imperfections and weight consistency is excellent. I also have another 200 new cases unused and recently purchased. Again I see no defects and weight consistency is excellent although I must admit that I have only examined a goodly sample of these - not all of them.

I also have some unused 'new/old' cases purchased at least 8 years ago. They show no visible defects and are very weight constant although a little different from the weight of the recently purchased cases. I can forgive Lapua for that !

Maybe there has been a fall in quality - if so I do want to know. But it is not what I am seeing.

And finally - the 'wankers' are those who think they can build up a world beater using inconsistent cases, not the other way around.

Peter Smith.

bruce moulds
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Re: Alpha munitions brass

#14 Postby bruce moulds » Sat Apr 14, 2018 1:25 pm

you are right about inconsistent cases.
however, just assuming lapua is consistent without checking is wanking.
some of those guys just jump on a bandwaggon to look good., and so the legend builds.
and you can get consistency in other brands by doing a bit of thinking/work.
even lapua takes work.there is often a gap between urban myth and reality.
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"SUCH IS LIFE" Edward Kelly 11 nov 1880

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Re: Alpha munitions brass

#15 Postby Gyro » Sat Apr 14, 2018 1:28 pm

Peter. Please define your last sentence ? And has ANYONE ever properly tested case weight variation vs long range accuracy ? If we use Lapua cases we need not bother weighing ? I do and don't weigh them. I'm waiting for that guy Bryan to publish some test results.

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